FFCA FLASH – Fire Chief Percy Sayles of Tamarac Fire Rescue Appointed as the FFCA Southeast Regional Director

The FFCA Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Fire Chief Percy Sayles of Tamarac Fire Rescue as the Southeast Regional Director. Chief Percy is a welcome addition to the board, and we look forward to his contribution.

Chief Sayles has been with the Tamarac Fire Rescue for 15 years and the fire chief since 2017. He is an active member of the Broward Fire Chiefs’ Executive Board and the city’s contract negotiations team for four IAFF contracts. He’s also a former chair for the City of Tamarac’s High-Performance Committee and the lead agency for a successful regional AFG grant for breathing apparatus replacement.

Chief Sayles has earned numerous awards and recognitions over the years, including:

2020 FFCA EFO of the year

2014 & 2018 Chief Fire Officer Designation (CFO), Center for Public Safety Excellence

2010, 2014 2016 Crystal Star Award of Excellence in Leadership, City of Tamarac

2012, 2013, 2014 Constellation Award of Excellence in Teamwork, City of Tamarac

2003 State of Florida EMS Provider’s Paramedic of the Year

1994, 2001 Student of the Year, Broward College

Please join us in congratulating FFCA Southeast Regional Director, Chief Percy Sayles

Last updated on July 7th, 2022 at 04:44 pm